New needs arose in nearby industries that made us curious. The interest in the product was triggered by products used in local industry that were being sent to Switzerland for polyurethane moulding. It was of interest to us to be able to do this locally. Semek commenced comprehensive research on the mixing and dosing of various raw materials. This was very primitive at the beginning, because everything was done manually. Many different types of raw materials were tested.
The next step was an attempt to build our own mixing/dosing machine. The revealed a need for vacuuming of the raw materials. After many experiments we grasped the importance of associating ourselves with environments with competence and experience in the following fields: – raw materials – processing – mould production/form filling. This resulted in an expansion of our network of contacts in France, Sweden and Finland. This has given us vast expertise in the use of the different component parts, final processing of the raw materials and the challenges associated with moulds. We have gained knowledge at an high level of technology involving advanced mixing/dosing processes. The research on this resulted in a high-value product for the solar cell industry. The product turned out to have very good properties and after being moulded was machined in our CNC machines with high precision. (Tolerance: 1 thousandth of a millimetre). This was a continuous delivery to the industry that took place 24 hours a day. This provided Semek with a large and predictable production volume, giving us very good financial results. These results gave the company reserves that enable the current efforts being made on new polyurethane products.
The collapse of the solar cell industry in 2012 made it necessary for the company to reconfigure its production. After this unique build-up of competence that Semek had acquired during the research, we wished to exploit it in order to develop new products in polyurethane.